Blue Origin Sculpture
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I have a beginners mind meaning that I’m always looking to learn something new even from familiar situations. I fabricate smaller projects on my own in my concrete shop. I have a dedicated welding corner, however larger projects call for the A team. My welding mentor of 3 years works with me on larger projects and we use his dedicated welding workshop. All projects are overseen by Wilfred Bergeaux for quality assurance after the design process. He has 28 years experience in commercial metal fabrication. We work with civil engineers specifications.
I started as a welding apprentice in 2020. I’ve had two mentors since then. Wilfred Bergeaux is still and will forever be my mentor, but we have now moved into a partnership for several jobs. Guess you can say we’re an artist team!
I believe in the beauty of the details. It’s the process that I often enjoy more than the end result.
Marfa Cement Works & Unity Fab installation crew.